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General Information About Documenting:

Guidelines on Other Documentation

In order to be eligible for academic services through Disability Support Services (DSS), students should provide documentation about their disabilities and meet with a staff person to discuss their disability and accommodations. On the basis of documentation and the interview with the staff person DSS staff determines whether students have disabilities and which accommodations are appropriate.

In many instances, particularly involving physical or sensory disabilities, documentation is easily obtained and sometimes not needed. Accommodation decisions are easily determined. In other cases, especially those involving cognitive or psychiatric, this can be more complex.

DSS staff encourages students who think they may qualify for services to make an appointment with a staff person. Students should bring whatever documentation they have about their disabilities to their first appointment, where it can be individually evaluated. If students have no information about their disabilities, but think they may qualify, they should still make an appointment with a staff person. Staff can ask students to sign releases of information that allow educators, medical doctors, psychologists, or other qualified professionals to send documentation to the DSS office. Also, DSS can refer students to individuals or agencies who can provide diagnostic testing.

Disability status is individually assessed. Staff can advise students on a case specific basis regarding the adequacy of their documentation. Some very general guidelines for learning or psychiatric disabilities are linked.